Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homelocal gossipHow I became a Real Estate Guru – Founder/President,Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd

How I became a Real Estate Guru – Founder/President,Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd

By: Ike Philip Abiagom & Oby Edward

Mr Lucky Blessing Abuah
Founder/President,Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]n the real estate management sector, one name you cannot simply ignore is the Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd, a real estate development company with a large portfolio of luxury homes and apartments. Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd is reputed for its high quality finishing where intelligent designs meet aesthetics to create the perfect backdrop for the modern lifestyle. Owned by very enterprising and innovative Lucky Blessing Abuah, Hen-Ric Empire has continuously and successfully shaped new lifestyles with a focus on design excellence, space, and has built quality at an affordable price. The CEO, Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd, Mr Lucky Blessing Abuah belongs to the rare breed of young entrepreneurs who can turn stones to diamonds.

Abuah said these in a recent interview with newsmen, revealing that Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd had plans to diversify its operations in order to tackle larger and more complex projects. Lucky Abuah is making huge steps to ensure an excellent career, with the zeal to create a niche that is yet building for them a channel to create impact and remain unequivocally relevant. In a recent interview with him, we discovered some of the huge strides the young man had attained over the years.

During the interview, he disclosed how he has continued to nurture a quite successful career in Real Estate Development and Entrepreneurship. Although, he told Newsbreeze Magazine Crew that before moving into the real estate industry, he had earlier been engaged in the Hotel Accommodation consultancy and security services in Nigeria.
Below are the juicy excerpts as told by the man who has fought so many wars and won all:

Can you tell us about your background and how you ventured into the Real Estate industry?

My name is Lucky Blessing Odiakachukwu Abuah from Ezukwu/Anyalobum Village in Ibusa Community, Oshimili North LGA, Delta State. I had a tough childhood upbringing and it helped me all my working life. I have not honestly taken annual leave or months off work. I just enjoy working. That is the first contradiction about me.I started out as a Rental Agent back which played a pivotal role before I transitioned into the Sales of properties, I gradually transmuted into an astute Real Estate Developer which birthed Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited. It’s been an extensive process for me. They say you don’t grow big to manage well, you manage well to grow big. Over the years I have learnt and honed numerous skills. From leadership, team building, communication, sales and marketing, people skills the list goes on.

Sir, you are recognized as one of the Most Distinguished CEOs to look out for in 2023. What does it take to be successful in a business environment like Nigeria?

Well, thank you very much for this opportunity and privilege accorded me and my company, it’s a privilege and an honour, so I say a very big thank you to the editorial board of Association of Community Newspaper Publishers (ACNPN).But I must say that one person does not and cannot make success because there’s nothing like self-made success or millionaire, it takes a team effort among other success factors
Here in Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, I can’t acclaim the success to myself because the success of the company (or my success so to speak) is built on team spirit, trust, dedication to work among other factors. I must also mention here that the management team of this company played a vital role in this professed success.
Again, it takes team spirit to build success in an environment like Nigeria among other factors of success such as dedication, trust, hard work, commitment to your goal etc.

Give us a background of Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited

Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited was basically incorporated to solve housing problems in Nigeria, Africa and beyond. I have always been an investor, investing in stocks and shares and having an eye in real estate but for capital, but honestly, these words inspired to me delve into real estate, just to solve this pending time bomb, and of course as an entrepreneur we turn every passion into a business.
Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited is built on this premise, playing its role to solve a possible housing deficit problem in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

What is the Vision and Mission of Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited and how much of it would you say has been achieved?

Our vision is simply to be the most foremost real estate service provider, providing housing and real estate services at a world-class standard.

And our Mission; To provide real estate services, making housing affordable to all in a profitable, standard, ethical and sustainable manner.
So far, I would say we are yet to achieve it, because if we have, then, there is no need to remain in business, however, we are proud to say that we have made many Landlord today, even those that never believe they can be landlord owing to their income level, but right now they can be proud to say “With Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, I am a Landlord.”

Tell us about the services you render at Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited.

Basically we sell lands and properties, developing new lands/estate. We also do property documentation, lands surveying, property management/maintenance, architectural/structural designs, constructions and other real estate services. We make owning landed properties easy irrespective of your income level, social status, educational qualification or any other limiting factor.

How have been sustaining the good performance of your company over the years despite the challenges in the country?

Sustaining good performance in business in a country like Nigeria I must say is like cracking a hard nut, but in anyways, the hard nut needs to be cracked when doing business.
Talking about how, honestly I can’t point out a single factor but I must say that we learn to understand business and market dynamics, know the competition and our competitors and find ways to improve our visibility in our way to gain some level of market share and most especially we improve on our service delivery to maintain and satisfy our customers.

In the face of a competitive business environment in Nigeria, Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited has upheld excellence and good corporate governance. What are the factors responsible for this feat?

Well thank you very much for this remark but I must say that we are yet to attain excellence because I know we still have much work to do especially when facing the supposed giants in the real estate industry, however, if I must say; we have a clear strategy and we try as much as we can to deliver on every promise to our clients.
More so, we ensure discipline and commitment to our corporate goal.

The incidence of collapsed buildings has been attributed to private developers. What is your take on this?

Truly, building collapse can be easily traced to private developers and of course in Nigeria, it is very easy to cast blame when something or anything goes wrong but the fact remains that there are so many other players in the real estate sector and there are so many other factors that can constitute building collapse, though some of this factors can be avoided when there is proper due diligence at every phase of the building.
Well, Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited is building on this failure made by some other private developers and as such we have put up a qualified team of experts that handles all projects and every material purchased must meet the specified standard without any form of compromise whether from client, suppliers or contractors.

Sir, where do you hope to see Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited in the near future

woow… This is a wow question…. I see Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited becoming a household name in the real estate industry. I see Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited among the biggest and second to none real estate companies in Nigeria and beyond. I see 80% of Nigerians investing and/or owning property or portfolio with Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited… the list is endless my brother.

What is your take on the ease of doing business in Nigeria with particular reference to your line of business.

To this question, I will say it is tough doing business in Nigeria, this can be largely traced to the dwindling Naira fall against the dollar. Our economy seems to be built around the dollar and the fall of Naira against the dollar is affecting every sector of the Nigerian economy and let’s not forget that Nigeria seems to be a consuming economy so to speak and not producing. This means virtually everything in Nigeria is imported hence the fall of Naira and it’s really affecting our economy.
No wonder the world bank ranked Nigeria 131st out of 190 countries in 2019 in terms of ease of doing business, I think these statistics says it all.
Referencing it to real estate, the fact is this, real estate is not an essential commodity like rice, garri and the likes, only those who have eaten enough at least can delve or invest in real estate, this means when the economy is not friendly or when a common man has not eaten enough he cannot invest or go into real estate business, however, real estate being a perfectly competitive business according to an economist, that allows for free entry and free exit, anybody with enough capital can invest or go into real estate.

Please share with us your corporate social responsibility?

In many ways, I can’t start mentioning, we have affected our societies positively especially in the various environment where we are developing new lands. Like I said I can’t start mentioning all that, but the thing there is, we are rolling out more plans to impact society and our community in bigger ways come 2024.

What is your advice for Nigeria youth on career pursuit?

Honestly, when it comes to the issue of the youth, in recent times I get scared and worried, why because our youth are no more learning trades or going to school, they say school is a scam and learning a trade is a waste of time.
Anyways, my advice, there is no shortcut to success, internet fraud cannot and will never lead to success but rather to the destruction of both self and the economy. No economy is built on fraud, but rather on entrepreneurship, industrialization, education and the likes.
China is termed an economic giant today because of industrialization, no economy or future can be built on fraud.

No business grows without facing challenges. Tell us about your experience so far.

Truly, no business grows without facing challenges and here in Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, we had our fair share of challenges and of course, these challenges come at every level of growth.
As a new brand in the market, coupled with stories of failed real estate companies, it was not easy selling, however with doggedness and resilience, selling our corporate values, we were able to break through the market.
And one thing that helped us through then was keeping to our promises. Promise little and delivering more, today we have records of clients across the continent not just in Nigeria.
More so, looking at the bureaucracy in land acquisition, land registration and land titling, this poses considerable difficulty in effective housing delivery, especially in urban cities. For instance, the process of obtaining a certificate of occupancy may take up to 2-5years following normal protocols and the cost is extremely high.
So if I must say there are challenges at every phase of the business, a wise man says, “new levels, new devils “but in anyways, we must conquer and deliver our mandate.

Lack of integrity and contract dishonour is a common feature of Nigeria Business. Tell us about the situation of Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited?

integrity, if I must say, is lacking in the fabrics of an average Nigerian citizen, but you cannot do business without trust, so when it comes to this, we trust with our eyes open.But in Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, we promise less and deliver more hence gaining the trust of our clients. We honour every contractual term and as a matter of fact, we love reducing all contracts to prints and/or get the endorsement of all involved, so every party involved is clear about his role, responsibility and liability with respect to the contract.

Mr Lucky Blessing Abuah
Founder/President, Hen-Ric Empire Garden Ltd

What are some of the significant challenges you have faced in the real estate industry in Nigeria?

One of Nigeria’s most significant challenges in the Real Estate industry is the lack of access to financing for developers and potential homeowners. There is also a lot of bureaucracy and red tape when obtaining necessary permits and approvals, making the development process more difficult and time-consuming. However I welcome the challenges. I’m not one to focus on problems, I see it as a waste of my mental strength; this does not go to say I ignore them, that said, I will rather focus on solving the problem. I am a solution-oriented mind.

What motivates you to keep pushing forward in your work?

My motivation comes from a desire to be the best I can be, to make a positive impact in the world, and to leave a lasting legacy. I am also motivated by my family, my team at Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, and the numerous people who believe in our mission.

What one piece of advice would you give any aspiring developer reading this interview?

Believe in yourself. The sky is your limit. There’s something I hung in my office, ‘try to look at the earth from the moon, not from the earth to the moon”. That’s the kind of ambition we have here in Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited, and that’s what I recommend for young people. Don’t see limitations, don’t see challenges, see opportunities in everything. Believe in yourself. You will get there. To stand the test of time, you must have a unique identity and be able to create a captivating value proposition.

How can new clients contact your Company?

For new Clients seeking to engage with Hen-Ric Empire Garden services can easily reach us on the following phone numbers 070371185195,08020507344 and 09058829134.
Facebook: Hen-ric Empire or Hen-Ric Empire Garden

What is the most interesting thing about you and your company?

I am spontaneous; and difficult to contain in a box. I evolve quickly and respond to situations because I adapt quickly. It puts so much pressure on people who work with me because I can be very calculating. My instinct is always to come up with solutions in any situation. Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited love the process of turning a vast land of nothingness into a beautiful and luxurious structure which becomes amazing admiration.” He stated that his dream is to provide affordable luxury and quality homes in Nigeria.

Sir, you have been touching the lives of many people in your town, local government, Delta State and Nigeria in general through your foundation?

Yes, Lucky Abuah Foundation (LAF), is focused on society development and provides various forms of support to improve the lives of individuals within the Ibusa Community, Oshimili North Local Government, Delta State and Nigeria in general. We are committed to fulfilling our vision of creating a new and flourishing Ibusa, driven by peace and the empowerment of the less privileged. I have been helping people and will continue to do so because I promised my God that once he blesses me , I will give back to my people. My company Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited has empowered alots of youths in Ibusa and Delta State through skill acquisition and scholarship to alot of youth and we will continue to do more for our people as part of Hen-Ric Empire Garden Limited social responsibility to our communities.

Sir, What is your message to the youth?

Well, I’ll like to thank you for this. And I believe you’re also part of the youth, and I ask all of you to believe in yourselves. Nothing is impossible. You can overcome the challenges of today and tomorrow if you believe in your-­self. if i can achieve success today with hard work every youth on the street will equally be great tomorrow. I appeal to our youth to embrace peace and not to get involved in crime and fraudulent activities. Thank you.




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