Saturday, July 27, 2024
Homelocal gossipCelebrating A Great Philanthropist; Godwin Achor Nonyelim On His Birthday

Celebrating A Great Philanthropist; Godwin Achor Nonyelim On His Birthday

By: Ike Philip Abiagom

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he true worth of a man is in the way he treats people who are absolutely in need. If you care about people in need, you are actually making a contribution to the development of the nation. We need to give life back to the people.We need to see how we can use the available resources for everybody; create opportunities for all and care, especially for those who are truly in need. The gap between the rich and the poor should be bridged. Those of us blessed with material resources need to share with others. We must strike a balance with our resources.” This is the Philosophy of Elder Onyeachor Nonyalim.It is certainly impossible to gloss over the attributes for greatness of Elder Acho Nonyalim, the founding Chairman,Junic Group of Companies, the trail-blazing Real Estate mogul par excellence from Ibusa,Delta State. Acho’s rise to the top was not a one-step movement. It was a humble beginning for a humble man. The inter play of factors that would establish him as one of Nigeria’s reputable real Estate mogul shaped Acho’s principle and philosophy of life and business-humility, honesty and hard work. His unassuming nature and infectious humility explain why he does not trumpet his numerous philanthropic gestures

Elder Godwin Achor Nonyelim, a philanthropist whose passion for human development is immeasurable, recently celebrated his birthday where he expressed his joy of living a fulfilled life. The great icon who could not hide his excitement revealed how rising by lifting others gave him joy and how impacting other people positively had made him an achiever. Many will spend their lifetime trying to figure out rules to living, however, Godwin Achor Nonyelim not only figured them out but has been living them for almost two decades now.

“The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.

“So, achievements generally could not necessarily be achievements in terms of material things. There is a way I look at achievement.

“How many people have you impacted in life? How have you changed situations around you? These are areas where one needs to perform well before he is called an achiever.

“We have been able to give scholarships to different people, especially indigent people. We have also been able to train people who are graduates” Achor said. He demonstrates the exact meaning of living by using his talent to serve the world and leaving a lasting impression while serving and mainly a positive impact on the causes that matter to the powerful.

It was gathered that Elder Nonyelim through his pet project, Junic Foundation a charity organization established purposely to give scholarship to indigent students at Ibusa & Oshimili North at large from primary to university level has largely done such.

“I feel fulfilled. I am so grateful to God for keeping me alive today. I have lost some friends. Even at the age of 40, some died. I have lost close friends who didn’t get to 50 but for me, the most precious thing God has done for me is keeping me alive and healthy to attain this day.

“I know he will continue to keep me until I am 100 years old. I have achieved a lot in life. I have done so well in my area of discipline and other areas. God has been so kind to me and things have been working so perfectly for me by God grace”

“Excellence, a rare quality possessed by a few in the society, an ideal that stands out the few, making them exemplary and quintessential in all facts.” he added.

Godwin Achor Nonyelim, (CEO) of Junic Group, is the brain behind Junic Properties & Development Ltd, a frontline real estate firm with properties spread across Nigeria.

Elder Nonyelim is a real estate magnate & a phylantropic doyen. He is the founder, Junic foundation and one of the billionaires who rose from the scratch and became very influential, successful and a major player in real estate within Nigeria and beyond.

Achor has sponsored & trained many who aspire for professional course in Engineering, pharmacy, medicine & nursing. His philanthropic magnanimity across Aniocha/Oshimili zone earned him the unique title “Ife Oma Chukwu me na Ibusa ” which means the good thing that happened to Ibusa for the main reason that he doesn’t discriminate when he wants to give, he see’s everyone as one.

He has provided quality provided jobs for Delta youths and most importantly provided financial assistance to local traders and nursing mother’s in rural areas. He is a notable philanthropist whose humanitarian acts and deeds have brought considerable succour to many. He has also won many awards and honours.

“As you all know that his birthday,is always symbolic with gifting, paying hospital bills, and other valuable items to worthy and deserving individuals”

Godwin Acho Nonyelim is a blessing to this generation, his passion for human capital development is unparalleled.



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