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HomeLifestyleBouquet of Honours for Ikwele of Ibusa

Bouquet of Honours for Ikwele of Ibusa

By: Ike Philip Abiagom

His Eminence,
High Chief Celestine Okafor
Ikwele of  Ibusa Kingdom

[dropcap]H[/dropcap]is Eminence, High Chief Celestine Okafor is a fine gentleman, who parades very rich intellectual, traditional and moral pedigree. Anyone who encounters him would love to associate with him for his candour, courage and forthrightness. As a human being, his humility and modesty is second to none. As an traditionalist, he is sound and engaging.
Greatness is a property for which no man can receive credit too soon; it must be possessed long before it is acknowledged.”When one of the world’s greatest thinkers, Ralph Waldo Emerson handed down the above words of wisdom, those he had in mind were certainly the likes of High Chief Celestine Okafor, the 12th Ikwele Of Isu Kingdom! .
His Eminence needs no introduction as a Nigerian.He is not a stranger to Ibusa culture. His bonding with Ibusa traditional culture is akin to the umbilical relationship between a child and the mother right from the womb and last all through a lifetime. His antecedents and achievements as 12th Ikwele of Ibusa speaks volumes. He is a perfect example of leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul of humanity, the heart of warrior, and a perfect traditional man.

Since His Eminence ascend to throne as the 12th Ikwele, Ibusa kingdom has witnessed tremendous positive changes, he is someone who appreciates his purpose in life and still understand the components of that purpose. He is one man who has stood out among the few who had more than a fleeting nation of his sojourn on earth. He is a rare breed who viewed life solely from the perspective of his God, and knew that life’s purpose can only be fulfilled when self-will is surrounded to Almighty. A very supportive, encouraging and inspiring fellow who always sets his mind on whatever he does passionately and quietly. He is a loving, kind-hearted man and this shows in his dealings with all that come across him, including his fellow traditional chiefs. One peculiarity of His Eminence, High Chief Celestine Okafor is that he operates with synergy in his relationship with not only his people but also people who comes around him.

His Eminence, High Chief Celestine Okafor is not only the Pride of Ibusa Kingdom but also the Pride of the People of Oshimili North for whom he had waged countless traditional wars for and won virtually all, just like the Greek mythological Odyssey who fought and won difficult battles in History, the grassroots traditional mobilizer of our time also fought and won many battles even those considered as herculean in nature for his people.He occupies one of the most important thrones in Igbuzo Kingdom but doesn’t make a fuss of it.High Chief Celestine Okafor is officially the spiritual leader and custodian of Igbuzo. He is the only living Igbuzo man that has the ears of the gods and the ancestors even as he relays the messages of our gods to the living.
As his greetings (Owouta….means The one who wages the arrows) connotes, he has the sole responsibility of protecting Igbuzo and her children from the negative spiritual arrows fired at the town and her people – a duty he performs every second of the day! The Ikwele institution is the engine room of Ibusa traditional system ,Ikwele of Ibusa is the only man who initiates the warlords in the town before the the senior diopka chalks any of the warlords – Odogwu Of Igbuzo, Iyase Of Igbuzo and the Uwolo Of Igbuzo, the occupant-to-be must pass through the spiritual powers and endorsement of Ikwele who prepares him for the onerous task ahead.

Ikwele of Ibusa is not a political position nor influenced by position in the society but strictly a spiritual affair and the umbilical cord from the first Ikwele to the recent Ikwele has remained unbroken. Let us not forget that the Ikwele Institution is the only seat in Igbuzo that can not be politicized, because Ikwele Igbozu is “god among men” As the 12th Ikwele of Ibusa , You have really voiced out and fought for your people’s common goals, You remains the only traditional authority who knows the plight, feelings and desires of his People and Youths. High Chief Celestine Okafor has achieved in Ibusa and he has been able to touch the lives of the Youths like never before and also proved himself a force to reckon with among frontline players of Ibusa traditional system.

Indeed the birthday celebration of this digital traditional warlord of Ibusa of our time had been useful and Resourceful for his service to humanity.Therefore today let me on behalf of the Grassroots Publishers in Delta State join the rest of my beloved Ibusa kingdom,Oshimili North LGA, Deltans and Nigerians at large to Celebrate our traditional iconoclastic Ikwele of Igbuzo, to thank Almighty God for adding another year to your life and to pray that he continues to bless you with robust health and imbue you with his continued guidance, protection, and enduring provision.Your reign shall bring prosperity and peace to Ibusa and your family.

Happy birthday to the regent,Ikwele of Igbuzo kingdom, a great lover of our tradition.

Owouta! Owouta!! Owouta!!!



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