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HomeEntertainmentPastor Idowu Okeze : The Quintessence of an Excellent Leader and Gentleman

Pastor Idowu Okeze : The Quintessence of an Excellent Leader and Gentleman

By: Ike Philip Abiagom


[dropcap]P[/dropcap]astor Idowu Okeze is the quintessential leader and gentleman. He is the embodiment of cerebral articulation, the essence of unparalleled philanthropy, the epitome of intellection and breathtaking simplicity, the personification of undiluted humanness, the perfect example of leadership symbolism, the paragon of idealism, the soul of humanity, the heart of warrior, the perfect gentleman. Indeed, some leaders are born, some achieve leadership, some have leadership thrust upon them, while only very few have all three embedded in them.

Pastor Idowu Okeze is one of those very few good men; a true philanthropist, an accomplished public servant, a perfect gentleman, a man of valour, the bringer of rain. In the gallery of great leaders and great men, he is without doubt, a rare masterpiece.
Pastor Idowu Okeze celebrated his birthday and to put the epochal celebration in proper perspective, he attained the midpoint of midlife at the exciting peak and the proper prime of his mercurial powers where, poised like the bronzed champion, glowing flamboyantly in the golden flame of his decade, prepares himself to capture and conquer arguably, the one ultimate laurel for which his superlative gifts and brilliance clamour to be manifestly celebrated with maximum political aplomb woven into the matrix of an intrepid homogeneous ubiquity.

Pst and Mrs Idowu Okeze

A true brother, elegant, teacher and handsome, dark and unblemished in the magisterial lithe and athleticism of folkloric Kings and heroes, soft-spoken, with clear, unfettered, excellent diction and oratory, his brilliant smile like sparkling sun radiating from crystal clear eyes and embellished by the clean-shaven glistening scalp. Pastor Idowu Okeze is down to earth and corporate-smart, from the various experiences of home-bred grooming, ivy league sojourns in first class institutions and the inspirational influence and unparalleled, unquantifiable tutelage from his father himself, Obi Okeze, Idowu is an accomplished public servant, technocrat and grassroots mobilizer on his own merit.

A man of immense mettle and a completely detribalized human being with a profound depth of character, whose humility, devoid of discrimination, embraces all and sundry, he soars like an eagle and exudes reverence and integrity. A pragmatic leader full of benevolence, he gives hope to the hopeless, Job to the jobless and welfare and succor to the poor and needy. To everyone who crosses his path, he is a light. He is a friend to all, a role model to the young, a helper to many and a visionary man bubbling with the ideals of entrenching a united, peaceful, harmonious vision for his community and the world. Honest, Transparent, Dependable, uncomplicated and full of wisdom, Pastor Idowu Okeze can change you effortlessly, with his word.

PST. Chukwudi Idowu Okeze

Brother, though even the sun will one day run out of fuel, our love for you shall last forever. we thank God each and every day for giving us a brother like you. On your birthday, we want to thank you for being the best brother anyone could ever hope for. You are such a great role model for every youth in the world because you are so loving, caring, protective, and supportive. Happy Birthday N wanne!



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